400+ Students Make Skies!

Earlier this week, over 400 kids in Baby to P7 participated in our co-taught Sue’s Sky lesson and activity. Students learned that it’s okay to feel a whole host of emotions throughout the day and to express those emotions in safe, healthy ways. Students read the books Little Cloud, by Eric Carle and I Am You, by Refiloe Moahloli. Then they painted watercolor skies that reflected who they are!

P4 students at Mwebaza Infant participated in one of our global studies lessons by learning about renewable energy sources. They discussed similarities and differences between how and why energy is used in Uganda and in Colorado. They also examined health concerns around cooking with fire and charcoal and how renewable energy sources could replace this harmful method. Students made solar ovens out of pizza boxes and “baked” s’mores!

We’ve lead this solar oven activity now at many schools in Uganda and Colorado and each time, the students LOVE it. Perhaps because it ends with a delicious treat.

To cap the last few days off, one of our volunteer teachers, Lulu Buck, celebrated a birthday unlike any other! Our American and Ugandan partners went out for Ethiopian food with one of our board members' family who live in Kampala. There’s so much cause for celebration.

Mwebaza Foundation